Michael J. Swart

September 28, 2022

When are Non-Updating Updates Treated Like Regular Updates?

Filed under: SQLServerPedia Syndication — Michael J. Swart @ 12:00 pm

Takeaway: I look at different features to see whether non-updates are treated the same as other updates. Most of the time they are.

According to Microsoft’s documentation, an UPDATE statement “changes existing data in a table or view”. But what if the values don’t actually change? What if affected rows are “updated” with the original values? Some call these updates non-updating. This leads to a philosophical question: “If an UPDATE statement doesn’t change any column to a different value, has the row been updated?”

I answer yes to that question. I consider all affected rows as “updated” regardless of whether the values are different. I think of the UPDATE statement as more of an OVERWRITE statement. I also think of “affected rows” rather than “changed rows”. In most cases SQL Server thinks along the same lines.

I list some features and areas of SQL Server and whether non-updating updates are treated the same or differently than other updates:

The Performance of Non-Updates Non-Updates treated differently than other Updates

In 2010, Paul White wrote The Impact of Non-Updating Updates where he points out optimizations Microsoft has made to avoid unnecessary logging when performing some non-updating updates. It’s a rare case where SQL Server actually does pay attention to whether values are not changing to avoid doing unnecessary work.

In the years since, I’ve noticed that this optimization hasn’t changed much except that Microsoft has extended these performance improvements to cases where RCSI or SI is enabled.

Regardless of this performance optimization, it’s still wise to limit affected rows as much as possible. In other words, I still prefer

UPDATE FactOnlineSales 
SET DiscountAmount = NULL
WHERE CustomerKey = 19036
AND DiscountAmount IS NOT NULL;

over this logically equivalent version:

UPDATE FactOnlineSales 
SET DiscountAmount = NULL
WHERE CustomerKey = 19036;

Although the presence of triggers and cascading foreign keys require extra care as we’ll see.

Triggers Non-Updates are treated the same as Updates

Speaking of triggers, remember that inside a trigger, non-updating rows are treated exactly the same as any other changing row. Just remember that:

  • Triggers are always invoked, even when there are zero rows affected or even when the table is empty.
  • For UPDATE statements, the UPDATE() function only cares about whether a column appeared in the SET clause. It can be useful for short-circuit logic.
  • The virtual tables inserted and deleted are filled with all affected rows (not just changed rows).

ON UPDATE CASCADE Non-Updates are treated the same as Updates

When foreign keys have ON UPDATE CASCADE set, Microsoft says “corresponding rows are updated in the referencing table when that row is updated in the parent table”.

Non-updating updates are no exception. To demonstrate, I create an untrusted foreign key and perform a non-updating update. It’s not a “no-op”, the constraint is checked as expected.

CREATE TABLE dbo.TestReferenced (
INSERT dbo.TestReferenced (Id) VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4);
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestReferrer (
INSERT dbo.TestReferrer (Id) VALUES (2), (4), (6), (8);
ALTER TABLE dbo.TestReferrer 
REFERENCES dbo.TestReferenced(Id)
-- trouble with this non-updating update:
UPDATE dbo.TestReferrer
SET Id = Id
WHERE Id = 8;
-- The UPDATE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint ...

@@ROWCOUNT Non-Updates are treated the same as Updates

SELECT @@ROWCOUNT returns the number of affected rows in the previous statement, not the number of changed rows.

Temporal Tables Non-Updates are treated the same as Updates

Non-updating updates still generate new rows in the history table. This can lead to puzzling results if you’re not prepared for them. For example, I can make some changes and query the history like this:

INSERT MyTest(Value) VALUES ('Mike')
UPDATE MyTest SET Value = 'Michael';
UPDATE MyTest SET Value = 'Michael';

When I take the union of rows in the table and the history table, I might see this output:

It reminds me of when my GPS says something like “In two miles, continue straight on Highway 81.” The value didn’t change, but there are still two distinct ranges.

Change Tracking Non-Updates are treated the same as Updates

Change tracking could be called “Overwrite Tracking” because all non-updating updates are tracked:

set change_tracking = ON  
(change_retention = 2 days, auto_cleanup = on);
create table dbo.test (id int primary key);
insert dbo.test (id) values (1), (2), (3); 
alter table dbo.test enable change_tracking with (track_columns_updated = on)  
-- This statement produces 0 rows:
SELECT t.id, c.*
JOIN dbo.Test AS t ON t.id = c.id ;
-- "update"
update dbo.test set id = id; 
-- This statement produces 3 rows:
SELECT t.id, c.*
JOIN dbo.Test AS t ON t.id = c.id;

Change Data Capture (CDC) Non-Updates treated differently than other Updates

Here’s a rare exception where a SQL Server feature is named properly. CDC does indeed capture data changes only when data is changing.
Paul White provided a handy set up for testing this kind of stuff. I reran his tests with CDC turned on. I found that:

  • When CDC is enabled, an update statement is always logged and the data buffers are always marked dirty.
  • But non-updating updates almost never show up as captured data changes, not even when the update was on a column in the clustering key.
  • I was able to generate some CDC changes for non-updates by updating the whole table with an idempotent expression (e.g. SET some_column = some column * 1)
    CREATE TABLE dbo.SomeTable
        some_column integer NOT NULL,
        some_data integer NOT NULL,
    	index ix_sometable unique clustered (some_column)
    UPDATE dbo.SomeTable SET some_column = some_column*1;

If you’re using this feature, this kind of stuff is important to understand! If you’re using CDC for DIY replication (God help you), then maybe the missing non-updates are acceptable. But if you’re looking for a kind of audit, or a way to analyze user-interactions with the database, then CDC doesn’t give the whole picture and is not the tool for you.

September 21, 2022

Batching Follow-Up

Filed under: Miscelleaneous SQL,SQL Scripts,Technical Articles — Michael J. Swart @ 12:00 pm

When I wrote Take Care When Scripting Batches, I wanted to guard against a common pitfall when implementing a batching solution (n-squared performance). I suggested a way to be careful. But I knew that my solution was not going to be universally applicable to everyone else’s situation. So I wrote that post with a focus on how to evaluate candidate solutions.

But we developers love recipes for problem solving. I wish it was the case that for whatever kind of problem you got, you just stick the right formula in and problem solved. But unfortunately everyone’s situation is different and the majority of questions I get are of the form “What about my situation?” I’m afraid that without extra details, the best advice remains to do the work to set up the tests and find out for yourself.

Your Own Batches

But despite that. I’m still going to answer some common questions I get. But I’m going to continue to focus on how I evaluate each solution.
(Before reading further, you might want to re-familiarize yourself with the original article Take Care When Scripting Batches).

Here are some questions I get:

What if the clustered index is not unique?

Or what if the clustered index had more than one column such that leading column was not unique. For example, imagine the table was created with this clustered primary key:

ALTER TABLE dbo.FactOnlineSales

How do we write a batching script in that case? It’s usually okay if you just use the leading column of the clustered index. The careful batching script looks like this now:

  @LargestKeyProcessed DATETIME = '20000101',
  @NextBatchMax DATETIME,
  @RC INT = 1;
WHILE (@RC > 0)
  SELECT TOP (1000) @NextBatchMax = DateKey
  FROM dbo.FactOnlineSales
  WHERE DateKey > @LargestKeyProcessed
    AND CustomerKey = 19036
  DELETE dbo.FactOnlineSales
  WHERE CustomerKey = 19036
    AND DateKey > @LargestKeyProcessed
    AND DateKey <= @NextBatchMax;
  SET @LargestKeyProcessed = @NextBatchMax;

The performance is definitely comparable to the original careful batching script:

Logical Reads Per Delete

Logical Reads Per Delete

But is it correct? A lot of people wonder if the non-unique index breaks the batching somehow. And the answer is yes, but it doesn’t matter too much.

By limiting the batches by DateKey instead of the unique OnlineSalesKey, we are giving up batches that are exactly 1000 rows each. In fact, most of the batches in my test process somewhere between 1000 and 1100 rows and the whole thing requires three fewer batches than the original script. That’s acceptable to me.

If I know that the leading column of the clustering key is selective enough to keep the batch sizes pretty close to the target size, then the script is still accomplishing its goal.

What if the rows I have to delete are sparse?

Here’s another situation. What if instead of customer 19036, we were asked to delete customer 7665? This time, instead of deleting 45100 rows, we only have to delete 379 rows.

I try the careful batching script and see that all rows are deleted in a single batch. SQL Server was looking for batches of 1000 rows to delete. But since there aren’t that many, it scanned the entire table to find just 379 rows. It completed in one batch, but that single batch performed as poorly as the straight algorithm.

One solution is to create an index (online!) for these rows. Something like:

ON dbo.FactOnlineSales(CustomerKey) 

Most batching scripts are one-time use. So maybe this index is one-time use as well. If it’s a temporary index, just remember to drop it after the script is complete. A temp table could also do the same trick.

With the index, the straight query only needed 3447 logical reads to find all the rows to delete:

DELETE dbo.FactOnlineSales WHERE CustomerKey = 7665;


Logical Reads

Can I use the Naive algorithm if I use a new index?

How does the Naive and other algorithms fare with this new index on dbo.FactOnlineSales(CustomerKey)?

The rows are now so easy to find that the Naive algorithm no longer has the n-squared behavior we worried about earlier. But there is some extra overhead. We have to delete from more than one index. And we’re doing many b-tree lookups (instead of just scanning a clustered index).

Remember the Naive solution looks like this:

WHILE (@RC > 0)
  DELETE TOP (1000) dbo.FactOnlineSales
  WHERE CustomerKey = 19036;

But now with the index, the performance looks like this (category Naive with Index)
Logical Reads Per Delete

The index definitely helps. With the index, the Naive algorithm definitely looks better than it did without the index. But it still looks worse than the careful batching algorithm.

But look at that consistency! Each batch processes 1000 rows and reads exactly the same amount. I might choose to use Naive batching with an index if I don’t know how sparse the rows I’m deleting are. There are a lot of benefits to having a constant runtime for each batch when I can’t guarantee that rows aren’t sparse.

Explore new solutions on your own

There are many different solutions I haven’t explored. This list isn’t comprehensive.

But it’s all tradeoffs. When faced with a choice between candidate solutions, it’s essential to know how to test and measure each solution. SQL Server has more authoritative answers about the behavior of SQL Server than me or any one else. Good luck.

September 14, 2022

The Effect of a Slow Registry on SQL Server

Filed under: SQLServerPedia Syndication — Michael J. Swart @ 12:00 pm

I want to describe some symptoms that SQL Server may display when its Windows Registry is non-responsive or slow. From the symptoms, it’s hard to know that it’s a slow registry and so if a web search brought you here, hopefully this helps.

How does SQL Server use the Windows registry?

First, it’s useful to know a bit about how SQL Server uses the registry. We can watch registry activity using Process Monitor (procmon). On a fairly quiet local machine, I see these SQL Server processes “querying” registry keys:

  • There is some background process reading Query Store settings (every minute).
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQLServer\QueryStoreSettings
  • There is also some background process writing uptime info (every minute).
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQLServer\uptime_pid
  • When a login is requested from a new connection, SQL Server will check to see if R Services are installed (aka Advanced Analytics).
    SQL Server will check SERVERPROPERTY('IsAdvancedAnalyticsInstalled') every time to see if it has to care about logins associated with something called implied authentication. This happens on every login which will be important later.
    HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\Setup\AdvancedAnalytics
  • If I use a function like HASHBYTES, SQL Server looks up some cryptography settings. These settings get queried only on the first call to HASHBYTES in each session.
    e.g. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography\Defaults\Provider\Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider

That’s not an exhaustive list, there are many other ways SQL Server uses the Windows Registry. For example:

  • Many SQL Agent settings are stored there and are read regularly
  • xp_regread coming from using wizards in SQL Server Management Studio.
  • SERVERPROPERTY(N'MachineName') gets its info from HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Hostname
  • And many others.

What happens when the Windows registry is slow?

SQL Server’s use of the registry can be fairly quiet – even on a busy server – so you may not see any symptoms at all. But if the calls to the registry are slow in responding, here is what you might see:

  • New logins will ask whether Advanced Analytics Extensions is installed. Leading to a non-yielding scheduler and a memory dump. With some effort, you might find a stack trace like the one in the appendix below.
  • Any other kind of memory dump caused by non-yielding schedulers in which the saved stack trace ends with ntdll!NtOpenKeyEx. The AdvancedAnalytics is just one example but it’s the most common because it’s executed first on each login.
  • Queries calling HASHBYTES (or other cryptography functions) will be suspended and wait with PREEMPTIVE_OS_CRYPTACQUIRECONTEXT. I mostly see this when the login checks are skipped i.e. when an open connection from a connection pool is used.
  • Another symptom is Availability Group failovers (allegedly). It’s harder (for me) to do AG failover post mortems and tie them definitively to slow Windows registries

Why might the registry be slow?

I’m not sure. Perhaps it’s associated with some registry cleanup process. It may have something to do with an IO spike on the C: drive.

We rebuilt a virtual machine image from scratch which seems to avoid the problem. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

I’d love to hear if you’ve come across anything similar.

Appendix: Sample call stack for non-yielding scheduler

00 ntdll!NtOpenKeyEx
01 KERNELBASE!LocalBaseRegOpenKey
02 KERNELBASE!RegOpenKeyExInternalW
04 sqlmin!IniRegOpenKeyExW
05 sqlmin!GetServerProperty
06 sqlmin!IsAdvancedAnalyticsInstalled
07 sqllang!IsExtensibilityFeatureEnabled
08 sqllang!ImpliedAuthenticationManager::IsImpliedAuthenticationEnabled
09 sqllang!FindLogin
0a sqllang!login
0b sqllang!process_login_finish
0c sqllang!process_login
0d sqllang!process_commands_internal
0e sqllang!process_messages
0f sqldk!SOS_Task::Param::Execute
10 sqldk!SOS_Scheduler::RunTask
11 sqldk!SOS_Scheduler::ProcessTasks
12 sqldk!SchedulerManager::WorkerEntryPoint
13 sqldk!SystemThreadDispatcher::ProcessWorker
14 sqldk!SchedulerManager::ThreadEntryPoint
15 kernel32!BaseThreadInitThunk
16 ntdll!RtlUserThreadStart

September 7, 2022

This Function Generates UNPIVOT Syntax

Filed under: Miscelleaneous SQL,SQL Scripts,SQLServerPedia Syndication,Technical Articles — Michael J. Swart @ 12:00 pm

Just like PIVOT syntax, UNPIVOT syntax is hard to remember.
When I can, I prefer to pivot and unpivot in the application, but here’s a function I use sometimes when I want don’t want to scroll horizontally in SSMS.

  SELECT TOP (1) ' + 
          'CAST(' + QUOTENAME(NAME) + ' AS sql_variant) AS ' + QUOTENAME(NAME) 
          AS NVARCHAR(MAX)
        ), ',
    FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(@sql, DEFAULT, DEFAULT)
  ) + '
  FROM ( 
    ' + @sql + '
  ) AS O 
SELECT U.FieldName, U.FieldValue
UNPIVOT (FieldValue FOR FieldName IN (' +
  ' ) 
  FROM sys.dm_exec_describe_first_result_set(@sql, DEFAULT, DEFAULT)
  ) + '
  )) AS U';

And you might use it like this:

declare @sql nvarchar(max) ='SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE database_id = 2';
declare @newsql nvarchar(max) = dbo.GenerateUnpivotSql (@sql);
exec sp_executesql @sql;
exec sp_executesql @newsql;

to get results like this:


I find this function useful whenever I want to take a quick look at one row without all that horizontal scrolling. Like when looking at sys.dm_exec_query_stats and other wide dmvs. This function is minimally tested, so caveat emptor.

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