Michael J. Swart

March 23, 2010

Transaction Phenomena – Part 1: The Dirty Read

SERIES: Concurrent Transaction Phenomena

In Books Online (BOL), Microsoft  describes different kinds of transaction isolation levels in terms of phenomena that can occur during concurrent transactions. Specifically, they mention three kinds of phenomena: Dirty Reads, Non-Repeatable Reads, and Phantom Reads. You may have heard of these before, but correct me if I’m wrong, I just can’t find a good definition anywhere on BOL.

And that’s too bad, because these phenomena don’t just help describe the different transaction isolation levels. The phenomena actually define these levels.

These terms actually come from the ISO/ANSI standard for SQL-92. The terms themselves however do little to illuminate exactly the meaning of each. (What’s a phantom read?) When used by the ANSI/ISO standard, they mean something very specific and they’re key to understanding the different isolation levels.

In the next few days, I’d like to illustrate each phenomenon:

Part 1: The Dirty Read

A dirty read occurs when a transaction reads a record that has not yet been committed. In my own head, I think of this as reading tentative data.

From ISO/ANSI: One process (P1) modifies a row, and another process (P2) then reads that row before it is committed by P1. If P1 then rolls back the change, P2 will have read a row that was never committed and that may thus be considered to have never existed.

Mr. Bean shows the dangers (cue video to 1 minute 40 seconds):

By the way, I love that the BBC has put Mr. Bean clips on YouTube. In the clip, Mr. Bean cheats off his classmate who then proceeds to “rollback” his change by tossing his first answer attempt. If Mr. Bean had access to the test after it was handed in (i.e. committed), he would have made a more effective cheater.

Isolation Levels that Experience Dirty Reads

The only isolation level in which dirty reads are possible is READ UNCOMMITTED. You can also use a NOLOCK hint inside a SELECT query to achieve the same behavior.

My Own Experience

I’m not afraid of the occasional NOLOCK hint or the READ UNCOMMITTED level. It helps on tables that I know are static or tables that are growing (INSERTS and SELECTS but no DELETES or UPDATES). It can be pretty powerful when used correctly.
The NOLOCK  hint used to be my favorite deadlock killer. But lately, I’ve used it less often, especially when another solution is available.

Many others have written on this topic. Some important points:

  • Linchi Shea who points out that NOLOCK SELECT statements can still cause blocking when DDL statements are thrown in (such as the seemingly innocent DBCC REINDEX command statement).
  • Itzik Ben Gan who describes another NOLOCK danger. That is, data returned may not just be uncommitted, but inconsistent. i.e. missing or duplicated rows!

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