Michael J. Swart

October 26, 2016

My 2016

Filed under: SQLServerPedia Syndication — Michael J. Swart @ 11:59 am

2016 was a blast at work.

For most of 2016, I worked with a small team of three called the Samurai team. The team name was taken from the wandering Samurai who wanders from village to village doing good where ever injustice was found. Our job was to go around doing good wherever technical debt was found.


And that was the point. It was wherever we found the technical debt. It was an exercise in trust I suppose. They trusted us to do what was important. We had more autonomy then I’ve ever enjoyed before. There was still accountability and everything we did was data-driven and pragmatic. But I really enjoyed the experience.

We did a lot of work and on the database scalability side, we focused on these things:

  • Avoiding queries
  • Tuning queries
  • Stabilizing execution plans
  • Concurrency

Database Concurrency

In 2016, more than ever before, I got to exercise my database concurrency skills in a real practical sense. It was cool to find out what rules of thumb were true and what rules of thumb didn’t matter.

Developing Highly Concurrent Databases

That’s why I’m really excited to talk about database concurrency at the PASS Summit. Developing Highly Concurrent Databases I’m here in Seattle this week and I get to deliver my talk called talk on Friday at 2PM.

But if you’re not in Seattle, you can choose to watch me on PASS TV! They’re live streaming one session room throughout the conference. And I’m fortunate enough to be presenting in that room.

If you’re here at PASS, mark your schedule for room 6E on Friday at 2PM (Pacific).
And if you’re not, you can still catch me and other presenters on PASStv (Friday at 5PM Eastern)

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