Michael J. Swart

June 22, 2011

Midyear Resolutions

Filed under: Tongue In Cheek — Tags: , , — Michael J. Swart @ 12:00 pm

So it’s been about half a year since Jen McCown invited SQL Bloggers to post their new years resolutions. I made mine and I’ve kept up with it, but I’m going to reassess that resolution now.

If you remember, my resolution was to blog once a week (with articles to go live every Wednesday at noon), keep to technical content, and include an illustration with each post. Check, check and check. My goal was to get 4 times as many readers than the previous year.

Well, I’m not quite there. Google Analytics tells me I’m at 3.3 times as many readers as the first half of 2010 …  So what do I need to do to get to 4.0?

Some ideas that came to mind were:

  • I could post five or six times a month instead of four. Going for volume.
  • I could focus on plugging my site in other places.
  • I could participate in every meme monday, t-sql tuesday and un-sql friday out there.

But none of those are appealing. Those thoughts don’t light a fire under me. So I’m going to say “You know what? 3.3 is good enough“.

So what does light a fire under me?

  • Writing about SQL
  • Drawing stupid illustrations.

I’m Giving Up My New Year’s Resolution

So I’m giving up the goal of the resolution, but I’m not changing my blogging habits… At least not too much. You’ll notice this post still got posted on a Wednesday at noon.

In The End It Wasn’t About Readership

Besides, I’ve realized that it’s not really readership I was after, it was the commenters! (Commenters! Commenters! Commenters!). The lurkers can continue lurking, but I’d rather have 10 comments on a post than 10,000 page views. The feedback is really good to have and I’m happy with that.

And to other bloggers out there, I suspect that you feel the same. My guess is that you’d prefer ten new active readers versus ten thousand new passive readers.

An Illustration

So I’m breaking my own rules. This isn’t a technical post and the illustration here has nothing to do with the subject of this post. So why do I include an illustration of Wicket Baggins here?

Because I can!

January 11, 2011

My 2011 Resolution

Filed under: Tongue In Cheek — Tags: , , — Michael J. Swart @ 12:00 pm

T-SQL Tuesday LogoSo it’s T-SQL Tuesday time again! Thanks to Jenn McCown for hosting this month. Today we’re talking about resolutions. Quite apt for January I think.

Resolution time!

Michael J. Swart (looking introspective) resolves to be less introspective.

But seriously, What are my resolutions this year? My personal resolutions are personal (but fairly dull) and my work goals are exciting (but also private). So what’s left? Here it is, short and sweet:

I plan to blog more.

Hmm… that could have fit inside a tweet 7 times. I don’t think that’s quite gonna cut it for a blog post. Okay, Here’s exactly what I plan. I have a goal to get four times as many readers as 2010. It’s ambitious, but here’s some things that could help.

  • Write a post once a week with a post going live at Wednesday at noon. I haven’t been the most prolific and hopefully 2011 will be better.
  • Keep to technical content as much as possible (SQL Server Denali should be exciting).
  • Include illustrations when I can.

I like drawing. And I think I’ve improved enough that I can settle on a style. (one panel 300×500, reminiscent of Ripley’s Believe It or Not).  At best, I get a smash hit every month or two. At worst it’s a nice graphic that pulls people into the content.

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